| Charles N. (“Chip”) Kahn III is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH), the national public policy organization for investor-owned hospitals, a position that he has held since June 2001. He is recognized nationally as one of the country’s most insightful and articulate experts on health policy, Medicare payment, health care financing, and health coverage. Mr. Kahn recently served as co-chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the National Quality Forum’s (NQF) Measure Applications Partnership (MAP), a multi-stakeholder private-public partnership for developing and implementing a national strategy for health care quality measurement. He also is a former member of the NQF’s Governing Board. Previously, Mr. Kahn served as a principal of the former Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA), a private-public partnership that he helped to initiate, and as a Commissioner of the American Health Information Community, a former federal policy advisory panel responsible for advising then-HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt about the diffusion of health information technology. Before coming to the FAH, Mr. Kahn was one of the nation’s top public policy leaders for the health insurance industry. Mr. Kahn has a long and distinguished career as a professional staff person in The United States Senate and House of Representatives, specializing in health policy issues. Mr. Kahn taught health policy at The Johns Hopkins University, The George Washington University, and Tulane University and writes about health care financing and quality measurement policy. Mr. Kahn holds a Masters of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree from Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Mr. Kahn received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Johns Hopkins University. |